5 Holiday Decor Storage Tips

The presents have all been unwrapped, Santa’s returned to the North Pole, and it’s time to pack away the Christmas decorations until next year. While your attic or crawlspace is a great storage place to keep your decor out of the way of your everyday life, it can also act as a comfortable home for mice, rats, and other pests. These dark, quiet environments are often left undisturbed for months at a time, making them the perfect places for pest activity. The last thing you want when you open up a box of Christmas cheer next year is to find a rodent who has chewed your childhood keepsakes. Follow our simple tips to keep your Christmas decorations free of pests when you put them into storage after this holiday season.
Say Goodbye to Cardboard
A simple way to deter rodents and other pests is to switch from cardboard to plastic boxes for storing your decor. Cardboard provides a food source and hiding space for pests like cockroaches and is easier for rodents to chew through. Plastic totes with tight-fitting lids will stand up better to both humidity and pests.
Reduce Clutter
Keeping your storage area free of excessive clutter gives pests fewer places to hide and helps the area stay well-ventilated. Before you pack everything away for the season, do a quick sweep of your storage space and get rid of anything you no longer need. Rotate any boxes that have been in storage for a while and look for signs of pest activity.
Clean Your Decor
Take a moment to inspect the decor as you pack it away. Make sure not to store any food-related items like gingerbread ornaments or popcorn garlands that can attract hungry pests. Check for broken or moldy items that can be tossed and wash linens like stockings and tablecloths.
Properly Store Your Tree
If you have an artificial tree, scrap the cardboard box it came in and opt for a storage bag or box. When you take it out next year, open it outside and inspect it for pests before bringing it back into your home.
Get Regular Pest Treatments
If you’re dealing with a pest problem in your attic or crawlspace, consult a pest professional and consider getting your home treated regularly to get rid of pests and prevent future infestations. For over 40 years, Corbett Exterminating has helped our neighbors in the community with a variety of pest problems. To ensure your favorite Christmas decorations stay pest-free after the holiday season, give our team a call today!